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Local Updates to Members

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Information on Fee Deductions - September 2024

Worth Knowing - Updates from the provincial ATA - #WEAREATA

Worth Knowing - Support for Members Dealing with CUPE Labour Action 

CUPE has been on strike in eight school divisions across the province. They are fighting for a living wage and a reasonable settlement. However, the ongoing strike has resulted in significant classroom and school support shortages, particularly affecting teachers in more protracted strikes. Teachers and school leaders feel overwhelmed and struggle to provide their usual professional service under these challenging conditions. The Association is here to help all members. Reach out to Teacher Employment Services (TES). TES can provide confidential advice on collective agreement provisions, benefits and access to support, including through the Employee and Family Assistance Program. Call 1-800-232-7208. If you are in crisis, please call or text 9-8-8 for assistance. Help is available. Speak with someone today. Click HERE to read more.

Worth Knowing - Collective Bargaining Updates 

All Things Mediation - Given the busyness of members’ work lives, the Member Information Meetings (MiMs) held on November 18th, 19the (French) and 20th were recorded for those who could not attend. Access the recordings in English and French from the Association’s Bargaining Update page here. Questions and answers from all the meetings have been compiled and are posted with the videos. to access a pdf version of today's update, click here. To keep up to date on bargaining updates, please click here

Worth Knowing - Can you volunteer for assignable or instructional time? 

Assignable time is the time where the school division assigns you to do something specific at a specific time and/or place. Keep track of your typical assignable and instructional time from your timetable. Also track assigned duties outside or in addition to your regular assignment or responsibilities. The Association’s website has time calculators for members located here. If you have questions regarding calculating your time or categorizing it, call Teacher Employment Services for assistance at 1-800-232-7208.Click HERE to read more.

Worth Knowing - Summer Pay - It's Not so Simple! 

A teacher’s annual salary is based on years of experience (found in the collective agreement) and years of education (as determined by Teacher Qualifications Service). Teachers are paid according to the Education Act, which states that teachers are paid 1/200 of their annual salary for each day they work (with a few variations). Teachers are not paid for vacation periods such as Christmas, spring break, Thanksgiving, over the summer or any other holiday period. School division calendars determine which days teachers are expected to work. These are the days for which teachers are paid. Click HERE to read more.

Worth Knowing - Teacher Discipline 

There is a new Code of Professional Conduct for all certificate holders, including teachers and teacher leaders. The new processes are complex and have short timelines. The Association is here to answer questions and ensure that teachers and teacher leaders are treated fairly and in accordance with the law and principles of natural justice. Click HERE to read more.

Worth Knowing - Starting with a New School Division 

A teacher's annual salary is based on years of education (as determined by the Teacher Qualifications Service) and years of experience (as determined by the teacher's collective agreement). Teachers hired to a teaching position with a new school division are responsible for submitting proof of their experience and education in accordance with the timelines stipulated in clauses 3.3 and 3.4 of the Central Table Terms of their collective agreement. What does this mean? Click HERE for more information.

Worth Knowing - Pension Termination Benefits/Commuted Values 

While a commuted value may change from month to month, the lifetime pension payable to a plan member who does not withdraw their commuted value from the plan will remain the same. To read more, click HERE.

Worth Doing - Benefits of the RRSP 

Many of us have resolved to improve our financial hygiene in 2022. An excellent way to clean up on a large income tax return is by investing in a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP).  RRSPs are tax-deferred, which means that any money you contribute will be exempt from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) taxes the year you make the deposit. You will not be taxed until you make withdrawals. Thus, RRSPs are a great mechanism to reduce a current-year tax bill. Because tax-deferred does not mean tax-free, you will eventually have to pay taxes when you withdraw your money later in retirement. By the time you do so, your income will almost certainly be less, and your tax rate will be lower. To read more, click HERE.

Pregnancy and Accommodation in Schools 

Pregnant teachers need a safe working environment for themselves and for their babies. Click HERE to read more. Teachers who need information about their options for workplace accommodation can call Catherine in the Local’s office at 780-455-2164 or Teacher Employment Services at 1‑800‑232-7208. 

EI Maternity Benefits 

Important changes to Employment Insurance maternity benefits: Service Canada introduces a temporary waiver program for the one-week waiting period. Click HERE to learn more.